Britnie Delinger Kane
Britnie Delinger Kane
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A taxonomy of instructional learning opportunities in teachers’ workgroup conversations
IS Horn, B Garner, BD Kane, J Brasel
Journal of teacher education 68 (1), 41-54, 2017
Opportunities for professional learning in mathematics teacher workgroup conversations: Relationships to instructional expertise
IS Horn, BD Kane
Journal of the Learning Sciences 24 (3), 373-418, 2015
Making sense of student performance data: Data use logics and mathematics teachers’ learning opportunities
IS Horn, BD Kane, J Wilson
American Educational Research Journal 52 (2), 208-242, 2015
Relationships between instructional coaches’ time use and district-and school-level policies and expectations
BD Kane, B Rosenquist
American Educational Research Journal 56 (5), 1718-1768, 2019
Making the most of instructional coaches
BD Kane, B Rosenquist
Phi Delta Kappan 99 (7), 21-25, 2018
What we mean when we talk about teaching: The limits of professional language and possibilities for professionalizing discourse in teachers’ conversations
IS Horn, BD Kane
Teachers College Record 121 (6), 1-32, 2019
Teacher collaborative time: Helping teachers make sense of ambitious teaching in the context of their schools
IS Horn, BD Kane, B Garner
Systems for instructional improvement: Creating coherence from the classroom …, 2018
Doing the math together: coaches’ professional learning through engagement in mathematics
BD Kane, ES Saclarides
Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 1-30, 2022
Understanding mathematics coaches’ development: Coaches’ attributions of their professional learning in school districts
ES Saclarides, BD Kane
International Journal of Educational Research 109, 101815, 2021
Collaborative literary reasoning as a support for preservice English language arts teachers' learning about disciplinary literacy
BD Kane, KC Keene, S Reynolds
English Teaching: Practice & Critique 21 (1), 84-97, 2022
Supporting ambitious instruction at scale: The role of instructional coaching
BD Kane, P Cobb, L Gibbons
Cobb, P., Jackson, K., Henrick, E., Smith, TM, & the MIST team (Eds …, 2018
Literacy across the disciplines: Development and validation of an instrument to assess literacy instruction in middle and high school classrooms
W Ian O’Byrne, RS Savitz, J Morrison, B Kane, T Lilly, KM Ming, C Aldrich
The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas 94 …, 2021
Understanding content-specific instructional coaching: On-the-ground support for teacher development
BD Kane, P Cobb, L Gibbons
Systems for instructional improvement: Creating coherence from the classroom …, 2018
Content-focused coaches' opportunities for professional learning: The influence of positionality in coach discourse
BD Kane, ES Saclarides
Teaching and Teacher Education 121, 103889, 2023
Disciplinary Literacy and Culturally Sustaining Pedagogies
BD Kane, RS Savitz
Culturally Sustaining Literacy Pedagogies: Honoring Students' Heritages …, 2022
Tracing the development of pedagogical reasoning in mathematics teachers’ collaborative conversations
IS Horn, BD Kane
annual American Educational Research Association conference, Vancouver, Canada, 2012
Getting to the why and how
J Brasel, B Garner, B Kane, I Horn
Education Leadership 73 (3), 2015
Equitable teaching and the core practice movement: preservice teachers’ professional reasoning
BD Kane
Teachers College Record 122 (11), 1-40, 2020
Making sense of student performance data: Mathematics teachers’ learning through conversations with assessments
IS Horn, BD Kane, J Wilson
annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San …, 2015
The development of teachers pedagogical reasoning in mathematics teachers’ conversations
IS Horn, BD Kane
American Educational Research Association annual meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2012
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Articles 1–20