Shahid Nadeem
Shahid Nadeem
Hurdal Kommune
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Cited by
Reviews and syntheses: Review of causes and sources of emissions and leaching from organic arable crop rotations
S Hansen, R Berland Frøseth, M Stenberg, J Stalenga, JE Olesen, ...
Biogeosciences 16 (14), 2795-2819, 2019
High-Resolution Denitrification Kinetics in Pasture Soils Link N2O Emissions to pH, and Denitrification to C Mineralization
MS Samad, LR Bakken, S Nadeem, TJ Clough, CAM de Klein, ...
PLoS One 11 (3), e0151713, 2016
Autoxidation and acetylene-accelerated oxidation of NO in a 2-phase system: Implications for the expression of denitrification in ex situ experiments
S Nadeem, P Dörsch, LR Bakken
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2012
N2O emission from organic barley cultivation as affected by green manure management
S Nadeem, S Hansen, MA Bleken, P Dorsch
Contingent Effects of Liming on N2O-Emissions Driven by Autotrophic Nitrification
S Nadeem, LR Bakken, Å Frostegård, JC Gaby, P Dörsch
Frontiers in Environmental Science 8, 598513, 2020
The significance of early accumulation of nanomolar concentrations of NO as an inducer of denitrification
S Nadeem, P Dörsch, LR Bakken
FEMS microbiology ecology 83 (3), 672-684, 2013
Sequential extraction of denitrifying organisms from soils; strongly attached cells produce less N2O than loosely attached cells
S Nadeem, ÅR Almås, P Dörsch, L Bakken
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2013
Effect of fertilization rate and ploughing time on nitrous oxide emissions in a long-term cereal trail in south east Norway
S Nadeem, T Børresen, P Dörsch
Biology and fertility of soils 51, 353-365, 2015
Variation in rate of phenological development and morphology between red clover varieties: Implications for clover proportion and feed quality in mixed swards
S Nadeem, H Steinshamn, EH Sikkeland, AM Gustavsson, AK Bakken
Grass and forage Science 74 (3), 403-414, 2019
Roots and other residues from leys with or without red clover: Quality and effects on N2O emission factors in a partly frozen soil following autumn ploughing
MA Bleken, TF Rittl, S Nadeem, S Hansen
Science of the Total Environment 831, 154582, 2022
Soil pH management without lime, a strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from cultivated soils
S Nadeem, L Bakken, J Reent Köster, P Tore Mørkved, N Simon, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 9790, 2015
Effect of calcareous and siliceous amendments on N2O emissions of a grassland soil
TT Vekic, S Nadeem, L Molstad, V Martinsen, EG Hiis, L Bakken, T Rütting, ...
Soil Use and Management 39 (3), 1082-1095, 2023
Data of biomass and N in grass and clover roots, stubbles, and herbage and associated N2O and CO2 emissions, inclusive soil air composition, following autumn ploughing–A field …
MA Bleken, TF Rittl, S Karki, S Nadeem
Data in Brief 43, 108352, 2022
The relationship between phenological development of red clover and its feed quality in mixed swards
Nadeem S., Steinshamn H., Sikkeland E.H., Gustavsson A.M.,Bakken A.K.
Grassland Science in Europe 23, 69-71, 2018
International Conference on Emerging Technologies ICET
T Kamal, M Nadarajah, SZ Hassan, H Li, F Mehmood, I Hussain, ...
IEEE, 2016
Microscale effects on denitrification: does the ability of denitrifying bacteria to reduce N2O depend on their position in the soil matrix?
P Dörsch, S Nadeem, Å Almås, LR Bakken
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU2013-7897, 2013
Low N2O emissions induced by root-derived residues compared to aboveground residues of red clover or grass mixed into soil
MA Bleken, TF Rittl, S Nadeem
Soil and Tillage Research 245, 106309, 2025
Low N2O emissions induced by root-derived residues compared to aboveground residues of red clover or grasses mixed in the soil
MA Bleken, TF Rittl, S Nadeem
Effect of calcareous and siliceous amendments on N2O emissions of a grassland soil
T Todorcic Vekic, S Nadeem, L Molstad, V Martinsen, EG Hiis, L Bakken, ...
Gas kinetics and stoichiometry from four fungi incubated under conditions favouring denitrification
L Rohe, R Well, S Nadeem, P Dörsch
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU22-5064, 2022
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Articles 1–20