Ibrahim Kutay Ozturk
Ibrahim Kutay Ozturk
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Genome‐wide gene expression dynamics of the fungal pathogen Dothistroma septosporum throughout its infection cycle of the gymnosperm host Pinus radiata
RE Bradshaw, Y Guo, AD Sim, MS Kabir, P Chettri, IK Ozturk, L Hunziker, ...
Molecular Plant Pathology 17 (2), 210-224, 2016
Reduced virulence of an introduced forest pathogen over 50 years
RE Bradshaw, S Ormond, PY Dupont, P Chettri, IK Ozturk, RL McDougal, ...
Microorganisms 7 (10), 420, 2019
Evolution of polyketide synthesis in a Dothideomycete forest pathogen
IK Ozturk, P Chettri, PY Dupont, I Barnes, RL McDougal, GG Moore, A Sim, ...
Fungal Genetics and Biology 106, 42-50, 2017
Evolutionary relics dominate the small number of secondary metabolism genes in the hemibiotrophic fungus Dothistroma septosporum
IK Ozturk, PY Dupont, P Chettri, R McDougal, OJ Böhl, RJ Cox, ...
Fungal biology 123 (5), 397-407, 2019
Pathogenicity and Control of Phacidium lacerum, an Emerging Pome Fruit Pathogen in Washington State
IK Ozturk, A Amiri
Plant Disease 104 (12), 3124-3130, 2020
Blue Mold
A Amiri, KI Ozturk, WSUPPU April
HvGCN2 silencing in barley displays enhanced Blumeria graminis f. sp hordei susceptibility
İK Öztürk, MS Akkaya
Inst Bioloska Istrazivanja Sinisa Stankovic, 2018
Elucidation of the role of GCN2 gene in response to powdery mildew infection
İK Öztürk
Middle East Technical University, 2012
Top 10 Potato Varieties in Maine and Their Resistances to Common Diseases
IK Ozturk, M Andrade, J Hao, X Qu, GA Porter
Spongospora subterranea f. sp. subterranea Affects Plant Susceptibility to Subsequent Pathogen Infections Under Controlled-Environment Conditions
IK Ozturk, E Buchholz, A Bentley, D Halterman, R Rioux
Plant Disease 108 (7), 2148-2153, 2024
Spongospora subterranea f. sp. subterranea (Sss) is detectable in asymptomatic tubers and affects plant susceptibility to subsequent pathogens
IK Ozturk, E Buchholz, A Bentley, R Rioux
PHYTOPATHOLOGY 112 (11), 54-54, 2022
Characterization of cystosorus-associated microbes as antagonists of the soilborne protist Spongospora subterranea f. sp. subterranea
IK Ozturk, J Knoke, R Rioux
PHYTOPATHOLOGY 111 (10), 88-89, 2021
Fitness, virulence and fungicide sensitivity of a newly reported pome fruit pathogen Phacidium lacerum
K Ozturk, L Pandit, A Amiri
Plant Health 2019, 2019
Secondary metabolism of the forest pathogen Dothistroma septosporum: a thesis presented in the partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy …
IK Ozturk
Massey University, 2016
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Articles 1–14