Yu Zheng
Yu Zheng
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Cited by
Electric vehicle battery charging/swap stations in distribution systems: comparison study and optimal planning
Y Zheng, ZY Dong, Y Xu, K Meng, JH Zhao, J Qiu
IEEE transactions on Power Systems 29 (1), 221-229, 2013
Optimal allocation of energy storage system for risk mitigation of DISCOs with high renewable penetrations
Y Zheng, ZY Dong, FJ Luo, K Meng, J Qiu, KP Wong
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 29 (1), 212-220, 2013
Coordinated operational planning for wind farm with battery energy storage system
F Luo, K Meng, ZY Dong, Y Zheng, Y Chen, KP Wong
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 6 (1), 253-262, 2015
Low carbon oriented expansion planning of integrated gas and power systems
J Qiu, ZY Dong, JH Zhao, K Meng, Y Zheng, DJ Hill
IEEE transactions on power systems 30 (2), 1035-1046, 2014
Online distributed MPC-based optimal scheduling for EV charging stations in distribution systems
Y Zheng, Y Song, DJ Hill, K Meng
IEEE transactions on industrial informatics 15 (2), 638-649, 2018
Multi-stage flexible expansion co-planning under uncertainties in a combined electricity and gas market
J Qiu, ZY Dong, JH Zhao, Y Xu, Y Zheng, C Li, KP Wong
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 30 (4), 2119-2129, 2014
Optimal allocation of battery energy storage systems in distribution networks with high wind power penetration
Y Zhang, ZY Dong, F Luo, Y Zheng, K Meng, KP Wong
IET Renewable Power Generation 10 (8), 1105-1113, 2016
Optimal scheduling of distributed energy resources as a virtual power plant in a transactive energy framework
J Qiu, K Meng, Y Zheng, ZY Dong
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 11 (13), 3417-3427, 2017
Optimal placement of battery energy storage in distribution networks considering conservation voltage reduction and stochastic load composition
Y Zhang, S Ren, ZY Dong, Y Xu, K Meng, Y Zheng
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 11 (15), 3862-3870, 2017
Optimal operation of battery energy storage system considering distribution system uncertainty
Y Zheng, J Zhao, Y Song, F Luo, K Meng, J Qiu, DJ Hill
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 9 (3), 1051-1060, 2017
Optimal operation of electricity, natural gas and heat systems considering integrated demand responses and diversified storage devices
L Ni, W Liu, F Wen, Y Xue, Z Dong, Y Zheng, R Zhang
Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy 6 (3), 423-437, 2018
Reliability evaluation of distribution systems with mobile energy storage systems
Y Chen, Y Zheng, F Luo, J Wen, Z Xu
IET Renewable Power Generation 10 (10), 1562-1569, 2016
Hierarchical optimal allocation of battery energy storage systems for multiple services in distribution systems
Y Zheng, Y Song, A Huang, DJ Hill
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 11 (3), 1911-1921, 2019
Multi-agent optimal allocation of energy storage systems in distribution systems
Y Zheng, DJ Hill, ZY Dong
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 8 (4), 1715-1725, 2017
A new formulation of distribution network reconfiguration for reducing the voltage volatility induced by distributed generation
Y Song, Y Zheng, T Liu, S Lei, DJ Hill
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 35 (1), 496-507, 2019
Optimal scheduling for EV charging stations in distribution networks: A convexified model
Y Song, Y Zheng, DJ Hill
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 32 (2), 1574-1575, 2016
Multiagent system based microgrid energy management via asynchronous consensus ADMM
Y Zheng, Y Song, DJ Hill, Y Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 33 (2), 886-888, 2018
Optimal dispatch of combined electricity-gas-heat energy systems with power-to-gas devices and benefit analysis of wind power accommodation
Y Li, W Liu, J Zhao, F Wen, Z Dong, Y Zheng, R Zhang
Power System Technology 40 (12), 3680-3688, 2016
Optimal allocation of BESS and MT in a microgrid
J Qiu, J Zhao, Y Zheng, Z Dong, ZY Dong
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 12 (9), 1988-1997, 2018
Coordinated dispatch of virtual energy storage systems in smart distribution networks for loading management
K Meng, ZY Dong, Z Xu, Y Zheng, DJ Hill
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 49 (4), 776-786, 2017
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Articles 1–20