Mahmoud Karimi
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Cited by
Vibration analysis of rectangular Mindlin plates on elastic foundations and vertically in contact with stationary fluid by the Ritz method
SHH Hashemi, M Karimi, HRD Taher
Ocean Engineering 37 (2-3), 174-185, 2010
Natural frequencies of rectangular Mindlin plates coupled with stationary fluid
S Hosseini-Hashemi, M Karimi, H Rokni
Applied Mathematical Modelling 36 (2), 764-778, 2012
On the effects of soil properties on leak noise propagation in plastic water distribution pipes
MJ Brennan, M Karimi, JM Muggleton, FCL Almeida, FK de Lima, ...
Journal of Sound and Vibration 427, 120-133, 2018
Closed-form vibration analysis of thick annular functionally graded plates with integrated piezoelectric layers
SH Hashemi, M Es’Haghi, M Karimi
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 52 (3), 410-428, 2010
A hybrid numerical approach to predict the vibrational responses of panels excited by a turbulent boundary layer
M Karimi, P Croaker, L Maxit, O Robin, A Skvortsov, S Marburg, ...
Journal of Fluids and Structures 92, 102814, 2020
Hydroelastic vibration and buckling of rectangular Mindlin plates on Pasternak foundations under linearly varying in-plane loads
S Hosseini-Hashemi, M Karimi, DTH Rokni
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 30 (12), 1487-1499, 2010
Recent advancements in IoT implementation for environmental, safety, and production monitoring in underground mines
H Zhang, B Li, M Karimi, S Saydam, M Hassan
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 10 (16), 14507-14526, 2023
Boundary element solution for periodic acoustic problems
M Karimi, P Croaker, N Kessissoglou
Journal of Sound and Vibration 360 (6), 129-139, 2016
An analytical and numerical investigation of acoustic attenuation by a finite sonic crystal
F Montiel, H Chung, M Karimi, N Kessissoglou
Wave Motion 70, 135-151, 2017
Noise radiated from a periodically stiffened cylindrical shell excited by a turbulent boundary layer
L Maxit, O Guasch, V Meyer, M Karimi
Journal of Sound and Vibration 466, 115016, 2020
Analytical and numerical prediction of acoustic radiation from a panel under turbulent boundary layer excitation
M Karimi, L Maxit, P Croaker, O Robin, A Skvortsov, S Marburg, N Atalla, ...
Journal of Sound and Vibration 479, 115372, 2020
Acoustic scattering for 3D multi-directional periodic structures using the boundary element method
M Karimi, P Croaker, N Kessissoglou
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 141 (1), 313-323, 2017
On the effects of coupling between in-plane and out-of-plane vibrating modes of smart functionally graded circular/annular plates
SH Hashemi, K Khorshidi, M Es’haghi, M Fadaee, M Karimi
Applied Mathematical Modelling 36 (3), 1132-1147, 2012
Vibroacoustic responses of a heavy fluid loaded cylindrical shell excited by a turbulent boundary layer
L Maxit, M Karimi, V Meyer, N Kessissoglou
Journal of Fluids and Structures 92, 102758, 2020
On the role of vibro-acoustics in leak detection for plastic water distribution pipes
MJ Brennan, M Karimi, FCL Almeida, FK De Lima, PC Ayala, D Obata, ...
Procedia engineering 199, 1350-1355, 2017
Closed-form solution for free vibration of piezoelectric coupled annular plates using Levinson plate theory
SH Hashemi, M Es’haghi, M Karimi
Journal of Sound and Vibration 329 (9), 1390-1408, 2010
Effect of uncertainty in the balancing weights on the vibration response of a high-speed rotor
J Datz, M Karimi, S Marburg
Journal of Vibration and Acoustics 143 (6), 061002, 2021
Numerical prediction of turbulent boundary layer noise from a sharp‐edged flat plate
M Karimi, P Croaker, A Skvortsov, D Moreau, N Kessissoglou
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 2019
Spatial coherence of pipe vibrations induced by an internal turbulent flow
L Maxit, M Karimi, O Guasch
Journal of Sound and Vibration, 115841, 2021
Active acoustic cloaking of cylindrical shells in low Mach number flow
B Kerferd, D Eggler, M Karimi, N Kessissoglou
Journal of Sound and Vibration 479, 115400, 2020
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Articles 1–20