Dr. Rohit Bhakar
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Cited by
Overview of current compressed air energy storage projects and analysis of the potential underground storage capacity in India and the UK
M King, A Jain, R Bhakar, J Mathur, J Wang
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 139, 110705, 2021
Demand side contributions for system inertia in the GB power system
Y Bian, H Wyman-Pain, F Li, R Bhakar, S Mishra, NP Padhy
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 33 (4), 3521-3530, 2017
Wind power scenario generation and reduction in stochastic programming framework
KC Sharma, P Jain, R Bhakar
Electric Power Components and Systems 41 (3), 271-285, 2013
Local energy markets: Concept, design and operation
F Teotia, R Bhakar
2016 national power systems conference (NPSC), 1-6, 2016
Resource potential and variability assessment of solar and wind energy in India
A Jain, P Das, S Yamujala, R Bhakar, J Mathur
Energy 211, 118993, 2020
Implications of short-term renewable energy resource intermittency in long-term power system planning
P Das, J Mathur, R Bhakar, A Kanudia
Energy strategy reviews 22, 1-15, 2018
Flexibility requirement for large-scale renewable energy integration in Indian power system: Technology, policy and modeling options
P Das, P Mathuria, R Bhakar, J Mathur, A Kanudia, A Singh
Energy Strategy Reviews 29, 100482, 2020
Energy loss minimization through peak shaving using energy storage
V Kalkhambkar, R Kumar, R Bhakar
Perspectives in Science 8, 162-165, 2016
Probabilistic game approaches for network cost allocation
R Bhakar, VS Sriram, NP Padhy, HO Gupta
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 25 (1), 51-58, 2009
Strategic bidding for wind power producers in electricity markets
KC Sharma, R Bhakar, HP Tiwari
Energy Conversion and Management 86, 259-267, 2014
Frequency response constrained modified interval scheduling under wind uncertainty
V Prakash, KC Sharma, R Bhakar, HP Tiwari, F Li
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 9 (1), 302-310, 2017
Long-term energy system planning considering short-term operational constraints
AS Gaur, P Das, A Jain, R Bhakar, J Mathur
Energy Strategy Reviews 26, 100383, 2019
Joint optimal allocation methodology for renewable distributed generation and energy storage for economic benefits
V Kalkhambkar, R Kumar, R Bhakar
IET Renewable Power Generation 10 (9), 1422-1429, 2016
Frequency response support assessment from uncertain wind generation
V Prakash, P Kushwaha, KC Sharma, R Bhakar
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 134, 107465, 2022
Flexible Ramp Products: A solution to enhance power system flexibility
S Sreekumar, S Yamujala, KC Sharma, R Bhakar, SP Simon, AS Rana
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 162, 112429, 2022
Gumbel copula based aggregated net load forecasting for modern power systems
S Sreekumar, KC Sharma, R Bhakar
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 12 (19), 4348-4358, 2018
Synthetic inertia and frequency support assessment from renewable plants in low carbon grids
P Kushwaha, V Prakash, R Bhakar, UR Yaragatti
Electric Power Systems Research 209, 107977, 2022
Major blackouts of the decade: Underlying causes, recommendations and arising challenges
N Sharma, A Acharya, I Jacob, S Yamujala, V Gupta, R Bhakar
2021 9th IEEE International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS), 1-6, 2021
Smart reference networks
NP Padhy, R Bhakar, M Nagendran
2011 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 1-6, 2011
Multi-service based economic valuation of grid-connected battery energy storage systems
S Yamujala, A Jain, R Bhakar, J Mathur
Journal of Energy Storage 52, 104657, 2022
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