Anna Kende
Anna Kende
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Many Labs 2: Investigating variation in replicability across sample and setting
RA Klein, M Vianello, F Hasselman, BA Adams, RB Adams, S Alper
Working paper. Retrieved from http://projectimplicit. net/nosek/ML2protocol. pdf, 2015
Conspiracy mentality and political orientation across 26 countries
R Imhoff, F Zimmer, O Klein, JHC António, M Babinska, A Bangerter, ...
Nature human behaviour 6 (3), 392-403, 2022
Help to perpetuate traditional gender roles: Benevolent sexism increases engagement in dependency-oriented cross-gender helping.
N Shnabel, Y Bar-Anan, A Kende, O Bareket, Y Lazar
Journal of personality and social psychology 110 (1), 55, 2016
A large-scale test of the link between intergroup contact and support for social change
T Hässler, J Ullrich, M Bernardino, N Shnabel, CV Laar, D Valdenegro, ...
Nature Human Behaviour 4 (4), 380-386, 2020
Anti-Roma attitudes as expressions of dominant social norms in Eastern Europe
A Kende, M Hadarics, B Lášticová
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 60, 12-27, 2017
Navigating multiple identities: The simultaneous influence of advantaged and disadvantaged identities on politicization and activism
N Curtin, A Kende, J Kende
Journal of Social Issues 72 (2), 264-285, 2016
The social affirmation use of social media as a motivator of collective action
A Kende, M van Zomeren, A Ujhelyi, NA Lantos
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 46 (8), 453-469, 2016
Politicization of COVID-19 health-protective behaviors in the United States: Longitudinal and cross-national evidence
W Stroebe, MR vanDellen, G Abakoumkin, EP Lemay Jr, WM Schiavone, ...
PloS one 16 (10), e0256740, 2021
We only believe in news that we doctored ourselves: The connection between partisanship and political fake news.
L Faragó, A Kende, P Krekó
Social Psychology, 2019
Beyond dislike: Blatant dehumanization predicts teacher discrimination
E Bruneau, H Szekeres, N Kteily, LR Tropp, A Kende
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 23 (4), 560-577, 2020
Investigating the links between cultural values and belief in conspiracy theories: The key roles of collectivism and masculinity
J Adam‐Troian, P Wagner‐Egger, M Motyl, T Arciszewski, R Imhoff, ...
Political Psychology 42 (4), 597-618, 2021
The Politicized Motivations of Volunteers in the Refugee Crisis: Intergroup Helping as the Means to Achieve Social Change
A Kende, NA Lantos, A Belinszky, S Csaba, ZA Lukács
Journal of Social and Political Psychology 5 (1), 260-281, 2017
Xenophobia, prejudice, and right-wing populism in East-Central Europe
A Kende, P Krekó
Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 34, 29-33, 2020
The last acceptable prejudice in Europe? Anti-Gypsyism as the obstacle to Roma inclusion
A Kende, M Hadarics, S Bigazzi, M Boza, JR Kunst, NA Lantos, ...
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 24 (3), 388-410, 2021
Intergenerational conflicts of interest and prosocial behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic
S Jin, D Balliet, A Romano, G Spadaro, CJ Van Lissa, M Agostini, ...
Personality and Individual Differences 171, 110535, 2021
The dimensions of generalized prejudice within the dual-process model: The mediating role of moral foundations
M Hadarics, A Kende
Current Psychology 37 (4), 731-739, 2018
When and how social movements mobilize action within and across nations to promote solidarity with refugees
EF Thomas, LGE Smith, C McGarty, G Reese, A Kende, AM Bliuc, ...
European Journal of Social Psychology, 2018
Moral foundations of positive and negative intergroup behavior: Moral exclusion fills the gap
M Hadarics, A Kende
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 64, 67-76, 2018
Need satisfaction in intergroup contact: A multinational study of pathways toward social change.
T Hässler, J Ullrich, S Sebben, N Shnabel, M Bernardino, D Valdenegro, ...
Journal of personality and social psychology 122 (4), 634, 2022
Testing a contact intervention based on intergroup friendship between Roma and non‐Roma Hungarians: reducing bias through institutional support in a non‐supportive societal context
A Kende, L Tropp, NA Lantos
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 47 (1), 47-55, 2017
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Articles 1–20