Pieter Burghouwt
Pieter Burghouwt
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Cited by
Towards detection of botnet communication through social media by monitoring user activity
P Burghouwt, M Spruit, H Sips
Information Systems Security: 7th International Conference, ICISS 2011 …, 2011
Detection of covert botnet command and control channels by causal analysis of traffic flows
P Burghouwt, M Spruit, H Sips
Cyberspace Safety and Security: 5th International Symposium, CSS 2013 …, 2013
Detection of botnet collusion by degree distribution of domains
P Burghouwt, M Spruit, H Sips
2010 International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured …, 2010
Cyber targets water management
P Burghouwt, M Maris, S van Peski, E Luiijf, I van de Voorde, M Spruit
Critical Information Infrastructures Security: 11th International Conference …, 2017
Detection of botnet command and control traffic in enterprise networks
P Burghouwt
Detection of Botnet command and control traffic by the identification of untrusted destinations
P Burghouwt, M Spruit, H Sips
International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks …, 2015
Detection of Botnet Command and Control Traffic by the Multistage Trust Evaluation of Destination Identifiers
P Burghouwt, MEM Spruit, HJ Sips
Veilig internetbankieren?
P Burghouwt, H de Goede, M Spruit, L Informatiebeveiliging
A Process Model for Phishing Prevention
PR do Nascimento, J van den Berg, P Burghouwt
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Articles 1–9