Gary Mottola
Gary Mottola
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Cited by
Reducing intergroup bias: elements of intergroup cooperation.
SL Gaertner, JF Dovidio, MC Rust, JA Nier, BS Banker, CM Ward, ...
Journal of personality and social psychology 76 (3), 388, 1999
In our best interest: Women, financial literacy, and credit card behavior
GR Mottola
Numeracy 6 (2), 4, 2013
The inattentive participant: Portfolio trading behavior in 401 (k) plans
OS Mitchell, GR Mottola, SP Utkus, T Yamaguchi
Michigan Retirement Research Center Research Paper No. WP 115, 2006
How Groups Merge: The Effects of Merger Integration Patterns on Anticipated Commitment to the Merged Organization1
GR Mottola, BA Bachman, SL Gaertner, JF Dovidio
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 27 (15), 1335-1358, 1997
The efficiency of sponsor and participant portfolio choices in 401 (k) plans
N Tang, OS Mitchell, GR Mottola, SP Utkus
Journal of Public Economics 94 (11-12), 1073-1085, 2010
Does white racism necessarily mean antiblackness? Aversive racism and prowhiteness
SL Gaertner, JF Dovidio, BS Banker, MC Rust, JA Nier, GR Mottola, ...
Off white: Readings on race, power, and society, 167-178, 1997
The financial capability of young adults—A generational view
GR Mottola
FINRA Foundation Financial Capability Insights 3, 1-12, 2014
Financial capability in the United States 2016
JT Lin, C Bumcrot, T Ulicny, A Lusardi, G Mottola, C Kieffer, G Walsh
Washington, DC: FINRA Investor Education Foundation 137, 2016
Emotional arousal may increase susceptibility to fraud in older and younger adults.
K Kircanski, N Notthoff, M DeLiema, GR Samanez-Larkin, D Shadel, ...
Psychology and aging 33 (2), 325, 2018
The state of US financial capability: The 2018 national financial capability study
JT Lin, C Bumcrot, T Ulicny, G Mottola, G Walsh, R Ganem, C Kieffer, ...
FINRA Investor Education Foundation, 2019
Lump sum or annuity? An analysis of choice in DB pension payouts
GR Mottola, SP Utkus
Vanguard Center for Retirement Research 30 (89), 2, 2007
Understanding and using data from the national financial capability study
GR Mottola, CN Kieffer
Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal 46 (1), 31-39, 2017
Default, framing and spillover effects: The case of lifecycle funds in 401 (k) plans
OS Mitchell, GR Mottola, SP Utkus, T Yamaguchi
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2009
Red, yellow, and green: Measuring the quality of 401 (k) portfolio choices
GR Mottola, SP Utkus, A Lusardi
Overcoming the Savings Slump: How to Increase the Effectiveness of Financial …, 2008
Understanding and combating investment fraud
C Kieffer, G Mottola
Financial decision making and retirement security in an aging world 185, 2017
Winners and losers: 401 (k) trading and portfolio performance
T Yamaguchi, OS Mitchell, GR Mottola, SP Utkus
Pension Research Council Working Paper, 2007
The stability and predictive power of financial literacy: Evidence from longitudinal data
M Angrisani, J Burke, A Lusardi, G Mottola
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2020
Can educational interventions reduce susceptibility to financial fraud?
J Burke, C Kieffer, G Mottola, F Perez-Arce
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 198, 250-266, 2022
Findings from a pilot study to measure financial fraud in the United States
M DeLiema, GR Mottola, M Deevy
Available at SSRN 2914560, 2017
Financial capability in the United States: Highlights from the FINRA foundation national financial capability study
JT Lin, C Bumcrot, G Mottola, O Valdes, R Ganem, C Kieffer, A Lusardi, ...
FINRA Investor Education Foundation. www. FINRAFoundation. org/NFCSReport2021, 2022
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