Phillip M. Stepanian
Phillip M. Stepanian
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
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Cited by
Early assessment of integrated multi-satellite retrievals for global precipitation measurement over China
H Guo, S Chen, A Bao, A Behrangi, Y Hong, F Ndayisaba, J Hu, ...
Atmospheric Research 176, 121-133, 2016
Declines in an abundant aquatic insect, the burrowing mayfly, across major North American waterways
PM Stepanian, SA Entrekin, CE Wainwright, D Mirkovic, JL Tank, JF Kelly
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (6), 2987-2992, 2020
Dual‐polarization radar products for biological applications
PM Stepanian, KG Horton, VM Melnikov, DS Zrnić, SA Gauthreaux Jr
Ecosphere 7 (11), e01539, 2016
Revealing patterns of nocturnal migration using the European weather radar network
C Nilsson, AM Dokter, L Verlinden, J Shamoun‐Baranes, B Schmid, ...
Ecography 42 (5), 876-886, 2019
Climate and weather impact timing of emergence of bats
WF Frick, PM Stepanian, JF Kelly, KW Howard, CM Kuster, TH Kunz, ...
Public Library of Science 7 (8), e42737, 2012
Estimating animal densities in the aerosphere using weather radar: To Z or not to Z?
PB Chilson, WF Frick, PM Stepanian, JR Shipley, TH Kunz, JF Kelly
Ecosphere 3 (8), 1-19, 2012
Nocturnally migrating songbirds drift when they can and compensate when they must
KG Horton, BM Van Doren, PM Stepanian, WM Hochachka, A Farnsworth, ...
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 21249, 2016
Seasonal differences in landbird migration strategies
KG Horton, BM Van Doren, PM Stepanian, A Farnsworth, JF Kelly
The Auk: Ornithological Advances 133 (4), 761-769, 2016
Novel measures of continental‐scale avian migration phenology related to proximate environmental cues
JF Kelly, KG Horton, PM Stepanian, KM De Beurs, T Fagin, ES Bridge, ...
Ecosphere 7 (9), e01434, 2016
Ongoing changes in migration phenology and winter residency at Bracken Bat Cave
PM Stepanian, CE Wainwright
Global change biology 24 (7), 3266-3275, 2018
Comprehensive evaluation of high-resolution satellite-based precipitation products over China
H Guo, S Chen, A Bao, J Hu, B Yang, PM Stepanian
Atmosphere 7 (1), 6, 2015
Electromagnetic model reliably predicts radar scattering characteristics of airborne organisms
D Mirkovic, PM Stepanian, JF Kelly, PB Chilson
Scientific reports 6 (1), 35637, 2016
Extracting migrant flight orientation profiles using polarimetric radar
PM Stepanian, KG Horton
IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 53 (12), 6518-6528, 2015
The movement of small insects in the convective boundary layer: linking patterns to processes
CE Wainwright, PM Stepanian, DR Reynolds, AM Reynolds
Scientific reports 7 (1), 5438, 2017
Comparison of snowfall estimates from the NASA CloudSat cloud profiling radar and NOAA/NSSL multi-radar multi-sensor system
S Chen, Y Hong, M Kulie, A Behrangi, PM Stepanian, Q Cao, Y You, ...
Journal of hydrology 541, 862-872, 2016
Perspectives and challenges for the use of radar in biological conservation
O Hüppop, M Ciach, R Diehl, DR Reynolds, PM Stepanian, MHM Menz
Ecography 42 (5), 912-930, 2019
An introduction to radar image processing in ecology
PM Stepanian, PB Chilson, JF Kelly
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 5 (8), 730-738, 2014
The role of the US Great Plains low-level jet in nocturnal migrant behavior
CE Wainwright, PM Stepanian, KG Horton
International Journal of Biometeorology 60, 1531-1542, 2016
Extending bioacoustic monitoring of birds aloft through flight call localization with a three‐dimensional microphone array
PM Stepanian, KG Horton, DC Hille, CE Wainwright, PB Chilson, JF Kelly
Ecology and Evolution 6 (19), 7039-7046, 2016
Influence of atmospheric properties on detection of wood-warbler nocturnal flight calls
KG Horton, PM Stepanian, CE Wainwright, AK Tegeler
International Journal of Biometeorology 59, 1385-1394, 2015
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Articles 1–20