Timothy J. Wright
Timothy J. Wright
Dunlap and Associates, Inc
Verified email at CARDINAL.WJU.EDU
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Cited by
Video games as a means to reduce age-related cognitive decline: attitudes, compliance, and effectiveness
WR Boot, M Champion, DP Blakely, T Wright, DJ Souders, N Charness
Frontiers in psychology 4, 31, 2013
The strength–dexterity test as a measure of dynamic pinch performance
FJ Valero-Cuevas, N Smaby, M Venkadesan, M Peterson, T Wright
Journal of biomechanics 36 (2), 265-270, 2003
Gaming preferences of aging generations
KA Blocker, TJ Wright, WR Boot
Gerontechnology: international journal on the fundamental aspects of …, 2014
An investigation of the validity of the virtual spatial navigation assessment
M Ventura, V Shute, T Wright, W Zhao
Frontiers in psychology 4, 852, 2013
Experienced drivers are quicker to achieve situation awareness than inexperienced drivers in situations of transfer of control within a Level 3 autonomous environment
TJ Wright, S Samuel, A Borowsky, S Zilberstein, DL Fisher
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 60 (1 …, 2016
Pupillary response predicts multiple object tracking load, error rate, and conscientiousness, but not inattentional blindness
TJ Wright, WR Boot, CS Morgan
Acta psychologica 144 (1), 6-11, 2013
Effective cues for accelerating young drivers’ time to transfer control following a period of conditional automation
TJ Wright, R Agrawal, S Samuel, Y Wang, S Zilberstein, DL Fisher
Accident Analysis & Prevention 116, 14-20, 2018
Do different attention capture paradigms measure different types of capture?
NA Roque, TJ Wright, WR Boot
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 78, 2014-2030, 2016
No Homelike Place: The Lesson of History in Kazuo Ishiguro's An Artist of the Floating World
T Wright
Contemporary Literature 55 (1), 58-88, 2014
Effects of alert cue specificity on situation awareness in transfer of control in level 3 automation
TJ Wright, R Agrawal, S Samuel, Y Wang, S Zilberstein, DL Fisher
Transportation research record 2663 (1), 27-33, 2017
Characterizing the time course and nature of attentional disengagement effects
DP Blakely, TJ Wright, VM Dehili, WR Boot, JR Brockmole
Vision research 56, 38-48, 2012
The costs (or benefits) associated with attended objects do little to influence inattentional blindness
CR Stothart, TJ Wright, DJ Simons, WR Boot
Acta psychologica 173, 101-105, 2017
Functional fixedness: The functional significance of delayed disengagement based on attention set.
TJ Wright, WR Boot, JR Brockmole
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 41 (1), 17, 2015
Effects of a change in environment on the minimum time to situation awareness in transfer of control scenarios
R Agrawal, TJ Wright, S Samuel, S Zilberstein, DL Fisher
Transportation research record 2663 (1), 126-133, 2017
Drivers’ trust in an autonomous system: Exploring a covert video-based measure of trust
TJ Wright, WJ Horrey, MF Lesch, MM Rahman
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 60 (1 …, 2016
Attention capture, processing speed, and inattentional blindness
TJ Wright, NA Roque, WR Boot, C Stothart
Acta psychologica 190, 72-77, 2018
Interaction Effects of Visual Distractions, Auditory Distractions and Age on Pain Threshold and Tolerance.
T Wright, B Raudenbush
North American Journal of Psychology 12 (1), 2010
The effects of action video game play on vision and attention.
T Wright, DP Blakely, WR Boot
Nova Science Publishers, 2012
What to where: The right attention set for the wrong location
C Stothart, DJ Simons, WR Boot, TJ Wright
Perception 48 (7), 602-615, 2019
Mutant city: On partial transformations in three johannesburg narratives
T Wright
Novel: A Forum on Fiction 51 (3), 417-437, 2018
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Articles 1–20