Jonathan Oberlander
Cited by
Cited by
The political life of Medicare
J Oberlander
University of Chicago Press, 2003
The health of nations: Public opinion and the making of American and British health policy
LR Jacobs
Cornell University Press, 1993
The Oregon Health Plan and the political paradox of rationing: what advocates and critics have claimed and what Oregon did
L Jacobs, T Marmor, J Oberlander
Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 24 (1), 161-180, 1999
Long time coming: why health reform finally passed
J Oberlander
Health Affairs 29 (6), 1112-1116, 2010
Rationing medical care: rhetoric and reality in the Oregon Health Plan
J Oberlander, T Marmor, L Jacobs
CMAJ 164 (11), 1583-1587, 2001
Pascal's Wager: health insurance exchanges, Obamacare, and the Republican dilemma
DK Jones, KWV Bradley, J Oberlander
Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 39 (1), 97-137, 2014
The Obama administration's options for health care cost control: hope versus reality
T Marmor, J Oberlander, J White
Annals of internal medicine 150 (7), 485-489, 2009
A new threat to immigrants’ health—the public-charge rule
KM Perreira, H Yoshikawa, J Oberlander
N Engl J Med 379 (10), 901-903, 2018
Unraveling from within? The affordable care act and self-undermining policy feedbacks
J Oberlander, RK Weaver
The Forum 13 (1), 37-62, 2015
Health Reform Interrupted: The Unraveling Of The Oregon Health Plan: Once held up as a health reform model, Oregon struggles to keep its promises to its poor, uninsured citizens.
J Oberlander
Health Affairs 25 (Suppl1), W96-W105, 2006
Through the looking glass: the politics of the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act.
J Oberlander
Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 32 (2), 187-219, 2007
Managed care and Medicare reform
JB Oberlander
Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 22 (2), 595-631, 1997
The US health care system: On a road to nowhere?
J Oberlander
CMAJ 167 (2), 163-168, 2002
The Politics Of Health Reform: Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good Plans? In the United States, the more desirable health care reform is on substantive grounds, the less …
J Oberlander
Health Affairs 22 (Suppl1), W3-391-W3-404, 2003
Learning from failure in health care reform
J Oberlander
New England Journal of Medicine 357 (17), 1677-1679, 2007
From HMOs to ACOs: the quest for the Holy Grail in US health policy
T Marmor, J Oberlander
Journal of general internal medicine 27, 1215-1218, 2012
Managed competition for Medicare? Sobering lessons from the Netherlands
KGH Okma, TR Marmor, J Oberlander
New England Journal of Medicine 365 (4), 287-289, 2011
The patchwork: health reform, American style
T Marmor, J Oberlander
Social science & medicine 2 (72), 125-128, 2011
The future of Obamacare
J Oberlander
New England Journal of Medicine 367 (23), 2165-2167, 2012
Unfinished journey—a century of health care reform in the United States
J Oberlander
New England Journal of Medicine 367 (7), 585-590, 2012
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