Danni Ai
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Cited by
Local statistics and non-local mean filter for speckle noise reduction in medical ultrasound image
J Yang, J Fan, D Ai, X Wang, Y Zheng, S Tang, Y Wang
Neurocomputing 195, 88-95, 2016
Deep belief network modeling for automatic liver segmentation
M Ahmad, D Ai, G Xie, SF Qadri, H Song, Y Huang, Y Wang, J Yang
IEEE Access 7, 20585-20595, 2019
Brain MR image denoising for Rician noise using pre-smooth non-local means filter
J Yang, J Fan, D Ai, S Zhou, S Tang, Y Wang
Biomedical engineering online 14, 1-20, 2015
Automatic deep feature learning via patch-based deep belief network for vertebrae segmentation in CT images
S Furqan Qadri, D Ai, G Hu, M Ahmad, Y Huang, Y Wang, J Yang
Applied Sciences 9 (1), 69, 2018
Augmented reality based real-time subcutaneous vein imaging system
D Ai, J Yang, J Fan, Y Zhao, X Song, J Shen, L Shao, Y Wang
Biomedical optics express 7 (7), 2565-2585, 2016
Multichannel fully convolutional network for coronary artery segmentation in X-ray angiograms
J Fan, J Yang, Y Wang, S Yang, D Ai, Y Huang, H Song, A Hao, Y Wang
Ieee Access 6, 44635-44643, 2018
Registration and fusion quantification of augmented reality based nasal endoscopic surgery
Y Chu, J Yang, S Ma, D Ai, W Li, H Song, L Li, D Chen, L Chen, Y Wang
Medical image analysis 42, 241-256, 2017
Convex hull indexed Gaussian mixture model (CH-GMM) for 3D point set registration
J Fan, J Yang, D Ai, L Xia, Y Zhao, X Gao, Y Wang
Pattern Recognition 59, 126-141, 2016
Quantitative analysis of deformable model-based 3-D reconstruction of coronary artery from multiple angiograms
W Cong, J Yang, D Ai, Y Chen, Y Liu, Y Wang
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 62 (8), 2079-2090, 2015
Fast multi-scale feature fusion for ECG heartbeat classification
D Ai, J Yang, Z Wang, J Fan, C Ai, Y Wang
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2015, 1-11, 2015
Stenosis-DetNet: Sequence consistency-based stenosis detection for X-ray coronary angiography
K Pang, D Ai, H Fang, J Fan, H Song, J Yang
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 89, 101900, 2021
Deep-stacked auto encoder for liver segmentation
M Ahmad, J Yang, D Ai, SF Qadri, Y Wang
Advances in Image and Graphics Technologies: 12th Chinese conference, IGTA …, 2018
Automatic retinal vessel segmentation using multi-scale superpixel chain tracking
J Zhao, J Yang, D Ai, H Song, Y Jiang, Y Huang, L Zhang, Y Wang
Digital Signal Processing 81, 26-42, 2018
Phase unwrapping based on a residual en-decoder network for phase images in Fourier domain Doppler optical coherence tomography
C Wu, Z Qiao, N Zhang, X Li, J Fan, H Song, D Ai, J Yang, Y Huang
Biomedical Optics Express 11 (4), 1760-1771, 2020
Perception enhancement using importance-driven hybrid rendering for augmented reality based endoscopic surgical navigation
Y Chu, X Li, X Yang, D Ai, Y Huang, H Song, Y Jiang, Y Wang, X Chen, ...
Biomedical optics express 9 (11), 5205-5226, 2018
Retinal vessel segmentation using supervised classification based on multi-scale vessel filtering and Gabor wavelet
S Tang, T Lin, J Yang, J Fan, D Ai, Y Wang
Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics 5 (7), 1571-1574, 2015
Vertebrae segmentation via stacked sparse autoencoder from computed tomography images
SF Qadri, Z Zhao, D Ai, M Ahmad, Y Wang
Eleventh International Conference on Digital Image Processing (ICDIP 2019 …, 2019
3-Points Convex Hull Matching (3PCHM) for fast and robust point set registration
J Fan, J Yang, F Lu, D Ai, Y Zhao, Y Wang
Neurocomputing 194, 227-240, 2016
Adaptive mesh expansion model (AMEM) for liver segmentation from CT image
X Wang, J Yang, D Ai, Y Zheng, S Tang, Y Wang
PLoS one 10 (3), e0118064, 2015
Automatic liver segmentation based on appearance and context information
Y Zheng, D Ai, J Mu, W Cong, X Wang, H Zhao, J Yang
Biomedical engineering online 16, 1-12, 2017
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Articles 1–20