David Patient
David Patient
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Increasing interpersonal and informational justice when communicating negative news: The role of the manager’s empathic concern and moral development
DL Patient, DP Skarlicki
Journal of management 36 (2), 555-578, 2010
Understanding workplace envy through narrative fiction
D Patient, TB Lawrence, S Maitlis
Organization Studies 24 (7), 1015-1044, 2003
Toward a theory of intraorganizational attention based on desirability and feasibility factors
I Barreto, DL Patient
Strategic Management Journal 34 (6), 687-703, 2013
Seeing the “forest” or the “trees” of organizational justice: Effects of temporal perspective on employee concerns about unfair treatment at work
I Cojuharenco, D Patient, MR Bashshur
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 116 (1), 17-31, 2011
Workplace fairness versus unfairness: Examining the differential salience of facets of organizational justice
I Cojuharenco, D Patient
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 86 (3), 371-393, 2013
It is time for justice: How time changes what we know about justice judgments and justice effects
M Fortin, I Cojuharenco, D Patient, H German
Journal of Organizational Behavior 37, S30-S56, 2016
Weber and legal rule evolution: The closing of the iron cage?
PD Jennings, M Schulz, D Patient, C Gravel, K Yuan
Organization Studies 26 (4), 621-653, 2005
Antecedents and consequences of collective psychological ownership: The validation of a conceptual model
AP Giordano, D Patient, AM Passos, F Sguera
Journal of Organizational Behavior 41 (1), 32-49, 2020
Systemic justice and burnout: A multilevel model
VY Haines III, DL Patient, A Marchand
Human Resource Management Journal 28 (1), 92-111, 2018
Thank you for the bad news: Reducing cynicism in highly identified employees during adverse organizational change
F Sguera, D Patient, MR Diehl, R Bobocel
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 95 (1), 90-130, 2022
Why managers don't always do the right thing when delivering bad news: The roles of empathy, self-esteem, and moral development in interactional fairness
D Patient, D Skarlicki
Information Age Publishing, 2005
Bringing together different perspectives on ethical leadership
SL Grover, T Nadisic, DL Patient
Journal of Change Management 12 (4), 377-381, 2012
The who of organizational justice
T Marques, D Patient, I Cojuharenco
Organizational Justice: International perspectives and conceptual advances, 2017
Tell me who, and I’ll tell you how fair: A model of agent bias in justice reasoning
I Cojuharenco, T Marques, D Patient
Group & Organization Management 42 (5), 630-656, 2017
Pitfalls of administering justice in an inconsistent world: Some reflections on the consistency rule
DL Patient
Journal of Organizational Behavior 32 (7), 1008-1012, 2011
Antecedents and consequences of collective psychological ownership
A Giordano, D Patient, AM Passos, F Sguera
Academy of management proceedings 2016 (1), 15728, 2016
14 The “When” of Justice Events and Why It Matters
D Patient, I Cojuharenco, M Fortin
The Oxford handbook of justice in the workplace, 309, 2015
Why managers don’t always do the right thing when delivering bad news: The effect of empathy, self-esteem, emotional intelligence, moral reasoning, and moral identity
DL Patient
University of British Columbia, 2006
Assessing Younger Worker Prescriptive Stereotypes: The Workplace Ambivalent Youngism Scale (WAYS)
S Schmitz, CM Vauclair, CS Esteves, DL Patient, M Rosa
Academy of Management Proceedings 2023 (1), 14750, 2023
Compreender o idadismo no local de trabalho
D Patient, S Schmitz, CS Esteves
Gerontologist 9, 243-246, 2023
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