Amir Haddadi
Amir Haddadi
Engineering and Technology Leader
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Gestures for industry intuitive human-robot communication from human observation
B Gleeson, K MacLean, A Haddadi, E Croft, J Alcazar
2013 8th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI …, 2013
Bounded-impedance absolute stability of bilateral teleoperation control systems
A Haddadi, K Hashtrudi-Zaad
IEEE Transactions on Haptics 3 (1), 15-27, 2010
Real-Time Identification of Hunt–Crossley Dynamic Models of Contact Environments
A Haddadi, K Hashtrudi-Zaad
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 28 (3), 555-566, 2012
A new method for online parameter estimation of hunt-crossley environment dynamic models
A Haddadi, K Hashtrudi-Zaad
2008 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2008
Online contact impedance identification for robotic systems
A Haddadi, K Hashtrudi-Zaad
2008 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2008
Identifying nonverbal cues for automated human-robot turn-taking
E Calisgan, A Haddadi, HFM Van der Loos, JA Alcazar, EA Croft
2012 IEEE RO-MAN: The 21st IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human …, 2012
Development of a dynamic model for bevel-tip flexible needle insertion into soft tissues
A Haddadi, A Hashtrudi-Zaad
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society,EMBC, 2011 Annual International …, 2011
Operator dynamics consideration for less conservative coupled stability condition in bilateral teleoperation
A Haddadi, K Razi, K Hashtrudi-Zaad
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 20 (5), 2463-2475, 2015
Robotic systems and methods of operating robotic systems
AJG Apkarian, A Haddadi, GMY Lai, HJP Lacheray, P Karam, ...
US Patent 9,579,797, 2017
A new robust stability analysis and design tool for bilateral teleoperation control systems
A Haddadi, K Hashtrudi-Zaad
2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 663-670, 2008
Analysis of task-based gestures in human-robot interaction
A Haddadi, EA Croft, BT Gleeson, K MacLean, J Alcazar
Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2013 IEEE International Conference on, 2146 …, 2013
Robust Stability of Teleoperation Systems with Time Delay: A New Approach
A Haddadi, K Hashtrudi-Zaad
IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 2012
On the controllability of dynamic model-based needle insertion in soft tissue
A Haddadi, O Goksel, SE Salcudean, K Hashtrudi-Zaad
2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2010
Stability analysis of haptic interfaces for different types of sampled signals and virtual environment implementations
A Haddadi, K Hashtrudi-Zaad
2010 IEEE Haptics Symposium, 293-299, 2010
Uncoupled Stability Analysis of Haptic Simulation Systems for Various Kinematic Sampled Data and Discretization Methods
S Yin, A Koti, A Haddadi, K Hashtrudi-Zaad
IEEE Haptics Symposium, 2014
Stability, Performance, and Implementation Issues in Bilateral Teleoperation Control and Haptic Simulation Systems
A Haddadi
Canadian theses, 2012
Least conservative robust stability condition for linear bilateral teleoperation control systems
A Haddadi, K Hashtrudi-Zaad
World Haptics 2009-Third Joint EuroHaptics conference and Symposium on …, 2009
Delay-robust transparent bilateral teleoperation control design
A Haddadi, K Hashtrudi-Zaad
2008 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2008
A new fast online identification method for linear time-varying systems
A Haddadi, K Hashtrudi-Zaad
2008 American Control Conference, 1322-1328, 2008
Augmented reality system
Robert Reynolds HILL, Hitesh Shah, Amir Haddadi
US Patent US11195339B2, 2021
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Articles 1–20