Michael Berry
Michael Berry
Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Colorado, Denver
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Cited by
Dial D for distraction: The making and breaking of cell phone policies in the college classroom
MJ Berry, A Westfall
College Teaching 63 (2), 62-71, 2015
Pushing “reset”: The conditional effects of coaching replacements on college football performance
ES Adler, MJ Berry, D Doherty
Social Science Quarterly 94 (1), 1-28, 2013
Driving energy: the enactment and ambitiousness of state renewable energy policy
MJ Berry, FN Laird, CH Stefes
Journal of Public Policy 35 (2), 297-328, 2015
Controversially executing the law: George W. Bush and the constitutional signing statement
MJ Berry
Congress & the Presidency 36 (3), 244-271, 2009
Forecasting the 2012 presidential election with state-level economic indicators
MJ Berry, KN Bickers
PS: Political Science & Politics 45 (4), 669-674, 2012
An entrance to exit polling: Strategies for using exit polls as experiential learning projects
MJ Berry, T Robinson
PS: Political Science & Politics 45 (3), 501-505, 2012
The Modern Legislative Veto: Macropolitical Conflict and the Legacy of Chadha
MJ Berry
University of Michigan Press, 2016
Course format and student learning styles: A comparison of political science courses
B Jose, M Berry, L Andrews
American Journal of Distance Education 33 (4), 262-275, 2019
Beyond Chadha: The modern legislative veto as macropolitical conflict
MJ Berry
University of Colorado at Boulder, 2008
Technological level and quality of machine tools and passenger cars
MJ Berry, MR Hill
The Technological Level of Soviet Industry, 523-64, 1977
Recap: forecasting the 2012 election
H Norpoth, M Bednarczuk, AI Abramowitz, RS Erikson, C Wlezien, ...
PS: Political Science and Politics 46 (1), 37-47, 2013
Machine tools
MJ Berry, J Cooper
The Technological Level of Soviet Industry, 121-198, 1977
Empowering legislatures: the politics of legislative veto oversight among the US states
M Berry
The Journal of Legislative Studies 27 (3), 418-435, 2021
Colorado: Budgetary Reform to Capitalize on Economic Growth
MJ Berry
California Journal of Politics and Policy 9 (4), 2017
Guns, Grass, and God's Wrath, Colorado's Budget, Politics, and Elections
MJ Berry
California Journal of Politics and Policy 8 (1), 2016
Colorado’s Political Climate, Economy, and Budget during COVID-19
M Berry
California Journal of Politics and Policy 14 (1), 2022
Colorado: Budgetary Reform, Revenue Gains, and a Prosperous Economy
MJ Berry
California Journal of Politics and Policy 11 (1), 2019
Czars in the White House: The Rise of Policy Czars as Presidential Management Tools. By Justin S. Vaughn and José D. Villalobos. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2015 …
MJ Berry
Perspectives on Politics 16 (1), 252-254, 2018
Justin S. Vaughn and José D. Villalobos, Czars in the White House: The Rise of Policy Czars as Presidential Management Tools
MJ Berry
PERSPECTIVES ON POLITICS 16 (1), 252-253, 2018
Colorado’s 2015–2016 Budget and Economic Outlook
MJ Berry
California Journal of Politics and Policy 9 (1), 2016
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Articles 1–20