Paola Tubaro
Paola Tubaro
Research Professor, CNRS
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Digital inequalities 2.0: Legacy inequalities in the information age
L Robinson, J Schulz, G Blank, M Ragnedda, H Ono, B Hogan, GS Mesch, ...
First Monday 25 (7),, 2020
Norms, status and the dynamics of advice networks: A case study
E Lazega, L Mounier, T Snijders, P Tubaro
Social networks 34 (3), 323-332, 2012
The trainer, the verifier, the imitator: Three ways in which human platform workers support artificial intelligence
P Tubaro, AA Casilli, M Coville
Big Data & Society 7 (1), 2053951720919776, 2020
Digital inequalities in time of pandemic: COVID-19 exposure risk profiles and new forms of vulnerability
L Robinson, J Schulz, A Khilnani, H Ono, SR Cotten, N McClain, L Levine, ...
First Monday 25 (7),, 2020
Micro-work, artificial intelligence and the automotive industry
P Tubaro, AA Casilli
Journal of Industrial and Business Economics 46, 333-345, 2019
The visual sociogram in qualitative and mixed-methods research
P Tubaro, L Ryan, A D'angelo
Sociological Research Online 21 (2), 180-197, 2016
Lessico postfordista. Dizionario di idee della mutazione
U Fadini, A Zanini
Feltrinelli, 2001
Social media censorship in times of political unrest-A social simulation experiment with the UK riots
AA Casilli, P Tubaro
Bulletin of Sociological Methodology/Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique …, 2012
Eliciting personal network data in web surveys through participant-generated sociograms
P Tubaro, AA Casilli, L Mounier
Field Methods 26 (2), 107-125, 2014
Le moment big data des sciences sociales
G Bastin, P Tubaro
Revue française de sociologie 59 (3), 375-394, 2018
‘‘An Ethnographic Seduction’’: How Qualitative Research and Agent-based Models can Benefit Each Other
P Tubaro, AA Casilli
Bulletin of Sociological Methodology/Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique …, 2010
Online networks of eating-disorder websites: why censoring pro-ana might be a bad idea
AA Casilli, F Pailler, P Tubaro
Perspectives in public health 133 (2), 94-95, 2013
Le Micro-Travail en France. Derrière l'automatisation, de nouvelles précarités au travail?
AA Casilli, P Tubaro, C Le Ludec, M Coville, M Besenval, T Mouhtare, ...
Projet de recherche DiPLab, 2019
Against the Hypothesis of the End of Privacy: An Agent-Based Modelling Approach to Social Media
P Tubaro, AA Casilli, Y Sarabi
Springer Science & Business Media, 2014
Counting ‘micro-workers’: societal and methodological challenges around new forms of labour
P Tubaro, C Le Ludec, AA Casilli
Work Organisation, Labour & Globalisation 14 (1), 67-82, 2020
Ten years of Ana: Lessons from a transdisciplinary body of literature on online pro-eating disorder websites
AA Casilli, P Tubaro, P Araya
Social Science Information 51 (1), 120-139, 2012
Le phénomène «pro-ana»: Troubles alimentaires et réseaux sociaux
AA Casilli, P Tubaro
Presses des Mines via OpenEdition, 2016
Disembedded or deeply embedded? A multi-level network analysis of online labour platforms
P Tubaro
Sociology 55 (5), 927-944, 2021
Réseaux et controverses: de l’effet des normes sur la dynamique des structures
E Lazega, L Mounier, T Snijders, P Tubaro
Revue française de sociologie 49 (3), 467-498, 2008
Becker random behavior and the as-if defense of rational choice theory in demand analysis
I Moscati, P Tubaro
Journal of Economic Methodology 18 (2), 107-128, 2011
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Articles 1–20