Josef Kohout
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Cited by
Automated generation of three-dimensional complex muscle geometries for use in personalised musculoskeletal models
L Modenese, J Kohout
Annals of Biomedical Engineering 48 (6), 1793-1804, 2020
Parallel Delaunay triangulation in E2 and E3 for computers with shared memory
J Kohout, I Kolingerová, J Žára
Parallel Computing 31 (5), 491-522, 2005
3D reconstruction of TMJ after resection of the cyst and the stress–strain analyses
N Mahdian, T Dostálová, J Danĕk, J Nedoma, J Kohout, M Hubáček, ...
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 110 (3), 279-289, 2013
Optimistic parallel Delaunay triangulation
I Kolingerova, J Kohout
The Visual Computer 18 (8), 511-529, 2002
Patient-specific fibre-based models of muscle wrapping
J Kohout, GJ Clapworthy, Y Zhao, Y Tao, G Gonzalez-Garcia, F Dong, ...
Interface focus 3 (2), 20120062, 2013
Real‐Time Modelling of Fibrous Muscle
J Kohout, M Kukačka
Computer Graphics Forum 33 (8), 1-15, 2014
Parallel Delaunay triangulation in E3: make it simple
J Kohout, I Kolingerová
The Visual Computer 19, 532-548, 2003
Enabling the interactive display of large medical volume datasets by multiresolution bricking
A Agrawal, J Kohout, GJ Clapworthy, NJB McFarlane, F Dong, ...
The Journal of Supercomputing 51, 3-19, 2010
Fast deformation for modelling of musculoskeletal system
J Kohout, P Kellnhofer, S Martelli
Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and …, 2012
Parallel Delaunay triangulation based on circum-circle criterion
J Kohout, I Kolingerová
Proceedings of the 19th Spring Conference on Computer Graphics, 73-81, 2003
On-line blood glucose level calculation
T Koutny, M Krcma, J Kohout, P Jezek, J Varnuskova, P Vcelak, ...
Procedia Computer Science 98, 228-235, 2016
Aneurysm identification by analysis of the blood-vessel skeleton
J Kohout, A Chiarini, GJ Clapworthy, G Klajnšek
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 109 (1), 32-47, 2013
On digital image representation by the delaunay triangulation
J Kohout
Advances in Image and Video Technology: Second Pacific Rim Symposium, PSIVT …, 2007
Practically oriented parallel Delaunay triangulation in E2 for computers with shared memory
J Kohout, I Kolingerová, J Žára
Computers & Graphics 28 (5), 703-718, 2004
Pessimistic threaded Delaunay triangulation by randomized incremental insertion
I Kolingerova, J Kohout
Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics and Vision …, 2000
Selected problems of parallel computer graphics
J Kohout
Technical report, University of West Bohemia, Univerzitnı 22, Pilsen, 2004
Automatic reconstruction of the muscle architecture from the superficial layer fibres data
J Kohout, D Cholt
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 150, 85-95, 2017
Progressive hulls: application on biomedical data
D Cholt, J Kohout
Central European Seminar on Computer Graphics for students, 2012
Muscle fibres modelling
J Kohout, GJ Clapworthy, S Martelli, M Viceconti
Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and …, 2012
Delaunay triangulation in parallel and distributed environment
J Kohout
PhD thesis, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic, 2005
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Articles 1–20