Steven Delean
Steven Delean
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Cited by
Assessing loss of coral cover on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef over two decades, with implications for longer-term trends
H Sweatman, S Delean, C Syms
Coral Reefs 30 (2), 521-531, 2011
Dissecting the null model for biological invasions: A meta-analysis of the propagule pressure effect
P Cassey, S Delean, JL Lockwood, JS Sadowski, TM Blackburn
PLoS biology 16 (4), e2005987, 2018
Where did all the pangolins go? International CITES trade in pangolin species
S Heinrich, TA Wittmann, TAA Prowse, JV Ross, S Delean, CR Shepherd, ...
Global Ecology and Conservation 8, 241-253, 2016
Recovery from disturbance of coral and reef fish communities on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia
MJ Emslie, AJ Cheal, H Sweatman, S Delean
Marine Ecology Progress Series 371, 177-190, 2008
Aerial surveys and the potential biological removal technique indicate that the Torres Strait dugong fishery is unsustainable
H Marsh, IR Lawler, D Kwan, S Delean, K Pollock, M Alldredge
Animal Conservation Forum 7 (4), 435-443, 2004
Effectiveness of biological surrogates for predicting patterns of marine biodiversity: a global meta-analysis
C Mellin, S Delean, J Caley, G Edgar, M Meekan, R Pitcher, ...
PLoS One 6 (6), e20141, 2011
The theta‐logistic is unreliable for modelling most census data
F Clark, BW Brook, S Delean, H Reşit Akçakaya, CJA Bradshaw
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 1 (3), 253-262, 2010
Responses of coral and fish assemblages to a severe but short-lived tropical cyclone on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia
A Cheal, G Coleman, S Delean, I Miller, K Osborne, H Sweatman
Coral Reefs 21 (2), 131-142, 2002
Density dependence: an ecological Tower of Babel
S Herrando-Pérez, S Delean, BW Brook, CJA Bradshaw
Oecologia 170, 585-603, 2012
Diving behaviour of dugongs, Dugong dugon
BL Chilvers, S Delean, NJ Gales, DK Holley, IR Lawler, H Marsh, ...
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 304 (2), 203-224, 2004
Spatial synchrony in coral reef fish populations and the influence of climate
AJ Cheal, S Delean, H Sweatman, AA Thompson
Ecology 88 (1), 158-169, 2007
On the island biogeography of aliens: a global analysis of the richness of plant and bird species on oceanic islands
TM Blackburn, S Delean, P Pyšek, P Cassey
Global Ecology and Biogeography 25 (7), 859-868, 2016
Estimating cover of benthic organisms from underwater video images: variability associated with multiple observers
R Ninio, JSC Delean, K Osborne, H Sweatman
Marine Ecology-Progress Series 265, 107-116, 2003
An efficient protocol for the global sensitivity analysis of stochastic ecological models
TAA Prowse, CJA Bradshaw, S Delean, P Cassey, RC Lacy, K Wells, ...
Ecosphere 7 (3), e01238, 2016
Managed relocation as an adaptation strategy for mitigating climate change threats to the persistence of an endangered lizard
DA Fordham, MJ Watts, S Delean, BW Brook, LMB Heard, CM Bull
Global change biology 18 (9), 2743-2755, 2012
Phylogeny and the selectivity of extinction in Australian marsupials
CN Johnson, S Delean, A Balmford
Animal Conservation 5 (2), 135-142, 2002
Predictors of contraction and expansion of area of occupancy for British birds
CJA Bradshaw, BW Brook, S Delean, DA Fordham, S Herrando-Pérez, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 281 (1786), 20140744, 2014
Factors influencing the sustainability of customary dugong hunting by a remote indigenous community
D Kwan, H Marsh, S Delean
Environmental conservation 33 (2), 164-171, 2006
Meta-analysis reveals that resting metabolic rate is not consistently related to fitness and performance in animals
PA Arnold, S Delean, P Cassey, CR White
Journal of Comparative Physiology B 191 (6), 1097-1110, 2021
Wetland conservation and sustainable use under global change: a tropical Australian case study using magpie geese
LW Traill, CJA Bradshaw, S Delean, BW Brook
Ecography 33 (5), 818-825, 2010
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Articles 1–20