Andrey Afanasyev
Andrey Afanasyev
Head of laboratory, Institute of Mechanics, Moscow State University
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Formation of magmatic brine lenses via focussed fluid-flow beneath volcanoes
A Afanasyev, J Blundy, O Melnik, S Sparks
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 486, 119-128, 2018
Hydrothermal alteration of kimberlite by convective flows of external water
AA Afanasyev, O Melnik, L Porritt, JC Schumacher, RSJ Sparks
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 168, 1-17, 2014
The economic potential of metalliferous sub-volcanic brines
J Blundy, A Afanasyev, B Tattitch, S Sparks, O Melnik, I Utkin, A Rust
Royal Society Open Science 8 (6), 202192, 2021
Multiphase compositional modelling of CO2 injection under subcritical conditions: the impact of dissolution and phase transitions between liquid and gaseous CO2 on reservoir …
AA Afanasyev
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 19, 731-742, 2013
An integrated framework for geothermal energy storage with CO2 sequestration and utilization
Y Liu, T Hu, Z Rui, Z Zhang, K Du, T Yang, B Dindoruk, EH Stenby, ...
Engineering 30, 121-130, 2023
Investigation of hydrothermal activity at Campi Flegrei caldera using 3D numerical simulations: Extension to high temperature processes
A Afanasyev, A Costa, G Chiodini
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 299, 68-77, 2015
Hydrodynamic modelling of petroleum reservoirs using simulator MUFITS
A Afanasyev
Energy Procedia 76, 427-435, 2015
Application of the reservoir simulator MUFITS for 3D modelling of CO2 storage in geological formations
AA Afanasyev
Energy Procedia 40, 365-374, 2013
Validation of the MUFITS reservoir simulator against standard CO2 storage benchmarks and history-matched models of the Ketzin pilot site
A Afanasyev, T Kempka, M Kühn, O Melnik
Energy Procedia 97, 395-402, 2016
Compositional modeling of multicomponent gas injection into saline aquifers with the MUFITS simulator
A Afanasyev, E Vedeneeva
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 94, 103988, 2021
Influence of oil field production life on optimal CO2 flooding strategies: Insight from the microscopic displacement efficiency
A Afanasyev, A Andreeva, A Chernova
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 205, 108803, 2021
Нестационарные одномерные фильтрационные течения воды и пара с учетом фазовых переходов
АА Афанасьев, АА Бармин
Известия Российской академии наук. Механика жидкости и газа, 134-143, 2007
Numerical optimisation of CO flooding using a hierarchy of reservoir models
A Afanasyev, A Andreeva, A Chernova
Advances in Geosciences 56, 19-31, 2021
MUFITS reservoir simulation software
A Afanasyev
URL: www. mufits. imec. msu. ru, 2020
Simulation of the properties of a binary carbon dioxide-water mixture under sub-and supercritical conditions
AA Afanasyev
High Temperature 50, 340-347, 2012
Unsteady one-dimensional water and steam flows through a porous medium with allowance for phase transitions
AA Afanas' ev, AA Barmin
Fluid Dynamics 42, 627-636, 2007
Математическая модель неизотермической многофазной фильтрации бинарной смеси
АА Афанасьев
Известия Российской академии наук. Механика жидкости и газа, 104-115, 2011
Influence of permeability on the hydrothermal system at Vulcano Island (Italy): inferences from numerical simulations
SC Stissi, R Napoli, G Currenti, A Afanasyev, G Montegrossi
Earth, Planets and Space 73, 1-21, 2021
Reservoir simulation with MUFITS code: Extension for double porosity reservoirs and flows in horizontal wells
A Afanasyev
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 10309, 2017
Mathematical model of nonisothermal multiphase binary mixture flow through a porous medium
AA Afanasyev
Fluid Dynamics 46 (1), 80-89, 2011
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Articles 1–20