Weronika Swiergiel
Weronika Swiergiel
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Perennial flower strips for pest control in organic apple orchards-A pan-European study
F Cahenzli, L Sigsgaard, C Daniel, A Herz, L Jamar, M Kelderer, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 278, 43-53, 2019
Farmers’ management of functional biodiversity goes beyond pest management in organic European apple orchards
S Penvern, S Fernique, A Cardona, A Herz, E Ahrenfeldt, A Dufils, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 284, 106555, 2019
Mating disruption of Spilonota ocellana and other apple orchard tortricids using a multispecies reservoir dispenser
M Porcel, P Sjöberg, W Swiergiel, R Dinwiddie, B Rämert, M Tasin
Pest management science 71 (4), 562-570, 2015
Soil application of Beauveria bassiana GHA against apple sawfly, Hoplocampa testudinea (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae): Field mortality and fungal persistence
W Świergiel, NV Meyling, M Porcel, B Rämert
Insect Science 23 (6), 854-868, 2016
Habitat manipulation–as a pest management tool in vegetable and fruit cropping systems, with the focus on insects and mites
U Nilsson, M Porcel, W Świergiel, M Wivstad
SLU, EPOK–Centre for Organic Food and Farming, 2016
A review of the apple sawfly, Hoplocampa testudinea (Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae).
C Vincent, D Babendreier, W Świergiel, H Helsen, LHM Blommers
Perennial flower strips–a tool for improving pest control in fruit orchards
L Pfiffner, J Laurent, F Cahenzli, K Maren, S Weronika, S Lene
FiBL-Research Institute of Organic Agriculture https://www. fibl. org/, 2018
Development of sustainable plant protection programs through multi-actor Co-innovation: An 8-year case study in Swedish apple production
W Swiergiel, S Manduric, B Rämert, M Porcel, M Tasin
Journal of Cleaner Production 234, 1178-1191, 2019
Evaluation of temperature sum models and timing of Quassia amara (Simaroubaceae) wood-chip extract to control apple sawfly (Hoplocampa testudinea Klug) in …
P Sjöberg, W Swiergiel, D Neupane, E Lennartsson, T Thierfelder, ...
Journal of pest Science 88, 301-310, 2015
Monitoring methods adapted to different perceptions and uses of functional biodiversity: Insights from a European qualitative study
A Cardona, M Tchamitchian, S Penvern, A Dufils, SK Jacobsen, ...
Ecological Indicators 129, 107883, 2021
Productivist or multifunctional: An activity theory approach to the development of organic farming concepts in Sweden
W Świergiel, M Pereira Querol, B Rämert, M Tasin, I Vänninen
Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 42 (2), 210-239, 2018
On-farm experiments on cultivation of grain legumes for food–outcomes from a farmer–researcher collaboration
N Carton, W Swiergiel, P Tidåker, E Röös, G Carlsson
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 37 (5), 457-467, 2022
Förstärkt växtskydd med blommande växter: i grönsaks-och fruktodling
U Nilsson, M Porcel Vilches, W Swiergiel, M Wivstad
Six pests at once: field evaluation of a new multipurpose dispenser for mating disruption of codling moth and leafrollers.
M Tasin, M Porcel, P Sjöberg, W Swiergiel, B Rämert
The process of agroecological transition
W Swiergiel
SLU, Dept. of Plant Protection Biology 2007 (3), 2007
The Process of Agroecological Transition: A Case Study from Southern Brazil
W Swiergiel
Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, 2007
Bandes fleuries vivaces–un outil pour améliorer le contrôle des ravageurs en vergers
L Pfiffner, J Laurent, F Cahenzli, K Maren, S Weronika, S Lene
L'Institut de recherche de l'agriculture biologique (FiBL), 2018
Organic farmers' reality to manage functional agrobiodiversity in European organic apple orchards.
S Fernique, S Penvern, A Cardona, E Ahrenfeldt, D Grébeau, L Jamar, ...
Assessing the efficacy of a multispecies pheromone dispenser for the control of tortricids in apple orchards: a three-year evaluation
M Porcel, J Pålsson, P Sjöberg, W Swiergiel, K Kovarikova, B Rämert, ...
IOBC-WPRS Bulletin 112, 37-39, 2016
EcoOrchard-Innovative design and management to boost functional biodiversity of organic orchards. Power point presentation at public stakeholder seminar 2015.04. 21 organized …
M Porcel, S Lene, T Mark, P Servane, W Francois, P Lukas, J Laurent, ...
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Articles 1–20