Alvin Setiawan
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Cited by
Elevated hormonal stress response and reduced reproductive output in Yellow-eyed penguins exposed to unregulated tourism
U Ellenberg, AN Setiawan, A Cree, DM Houston, PJ Seddon
General and comparative endocrinology 152 (1), 54-63, 2007
Nature-based tourism impacts on yellow-eyed penguins Megadyptes antipodes: does unregulated visitor access affect fledging weight and juvenile survival?
MR McClung, PJ Seddon, M Massaro, AN Setiawan
Biological Conservation 119 (2), 279-285, 2004
Ocean warming has a greater effect than acidification on the early life history development and swimming performance of a large circumglobal pelagic fish
SA Watson, BJM Allan, DE McQueen, S Nicol, DM Parsons, SMJ Pether, ...
Global change biology 24 (9), 4368-4385, 2018
Mapping the sex determination locus in the hāpuku (Polyprion oxygeneios) using ddRAD sequencing
JK Brown, JB Taggart, M Bekaert, S Wehner, C Palaiokostas, ...
BMC genomics 17, 1-12, 2016
Developing yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi) and hāpuku (Polyprion oxygeneios) for New Zealand aquaculture
JE Symonds, SP Walker, S Pether, Y Gublin, D McQueen, A King, ...
New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 48 (3), 371-384, 2014
The use of morphometric measurements to sex yellow-eyed penguins
AN Setiawan, JT Darby, DM Lambert
Waterbirds 27 (1), 96-101, 2004
The use of reference gene selection programs to study the silvering transformation in a freshwater eel Anguilla australis: a cautionary tale
AN Setiawan, PM Lokman
BMC molecular biology 11, 1-11, 2010
Androgen-specific regulation of FSH signalling in the previtellogenic ovary and pituitary of the New Zealand shortfinned eel, Anguilla australis
AN Setiawan, Y Ozaki, A Shoae, Y Kazeto, PM Lokman
General and Comparative Endocrinology 176 (2), 132-143, 2012
Foraging of royal albatrosses, Diomedea epomophora, from the Otago Peninsula and its relationships to fisheries
S Waugh, D Filippi, A Fukuda, M Suzuki, H Higuchi, A Setiawan, L Davis
Canadian journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences 62 (6), 1410-1421, 2005
Diet composition, continuity in prey availability and marine habitat—keystones to population stability in the Snares Penguin (Eudyptes robustus)
T Mattern, DM Houston, C Lalas, AN Setiawan, LS Davis
Emu-Austral Ornithology 109 (3), 204-213, 2009
Mate and territory retention in yellow-eyed penguins
AN Setiawan, M Massaro, JT Darby, LS Davis
The Condor 107 (3), 703-709, 2005
The effects of gonadotropin-releasing hormone analog on yellowtail kingfish Seriola lalandi (Valenciennes, 1833) spawning and egg quality
AN Setiawan, S Muncaster, S Pether, A King, GW Irvine, PM Lokman, ...
Aquaculture Reports 4, 1-9, 2016
Effects of artificial eggs on prolactin secretion, steroid levels, brood patch development, incubation onset and clutch size in the yellow-eyed penguin (Megadyptes antipodes)
M Massaro, AN Setiawan, LS Davis
General and comparative endocrinology 151 (2), 220-229, 2007
Intraspecific variation of incubation periods in Yellow-eyed PenguinsMegadyptes antipodes: testing the influence of age, laying date and egg size.
M Massaro, LS Davis, JT Darby, GJ Robertson, AN Setiawan
Ibis 146 (3), 2004
Effects of artificial social stimuli on the reproductive schedule and hormone levels of yellow-eyed penguins (Megadyptes antipodes)
AN Setiawan, LS Davis, JT Darby, PM Lokman, G Young, MA Blackberry, ...
Hormones and Behavior 51 (1), 46-53, 2007
The effects of 11-ketotestosterone on occupation of downstream location and seawater in the New Zealand shortfinned eel, Anguilla australis
AN Setiawan, MJ Wylie, EL Forbes, PM Lokman
Zoological science 29 (1), 1-5, 2012
Testing the adaptive potential of yellowtail kingfish to ocean warming and acidification
PL Munday, C Schunter, BJM Allan, S Nicol, DM Parsons, SMJ Pether, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7, 253, 2019
A simple and sensitive method for the determination of iodide and iodate in raw, ultraviolet- and ozone-treated aquacultural seawater samples using ion chromatography coupled …
B Sanz Rodriguez, E., Setiawan, A. N., Pope, S., Haddad, P. R., Nesterenko ...
Analytical Methods 8, 5587-5595, 2016
Effects of 11-ketotestosterone and temperature on inhibin subunit mRNA levels in the ovary of the shortfinned eel, Anguilla australis
V Zadmajid, A Falahatimarvast, EL Damsteegt, AN Setiawan, Y Ozaki, ...
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular …, 2015
Ovarian development of captive F1 wreckfish (hāpuku) Polyprion oxygeneios under constant and varying temperature regimes–implications for broodstock management
MJ Wylie, AN Setiawan, GW Irvine, JE Symonds, A Elizur, M Dos Santos, ...
General and comparative endocrinology 257, 86-96, 2018
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Articles 1–20