Rats demand social contact EG Patterson-Kane, M Hunt, D Harper Animal Welfare 11 (3), 327-332, 2002 | 98 | 2002 |
The cage preferences of laboratory rats EG Patterson-Kane, DN Harper, M Hunt Laboratory Animals 35 (1), 74-79, 2001 | 71 | 2001 |
Āwhina: A programme for Māori and Pacific tertiary science graduate and postgraduate success M Wilson, M Hunt, L Richardson, H Phillips, K Richardson, D Challies Higher Education 62, 699-719, 2011 | 69 | 2011 |
An animal model of slot machine gambling: The effect of structural characteristics on response latency and persistence H Peters, M Hunt, D Harper Journal of Gambling Studies 26, 521-531, 2010 | 64 | 2010 |
Differential effects of MDMA and scopolamine on working versus reference memory in the radial arm maze task C Kay, DN Harper, M Hunt Neurobiology of learning and memory 93 (2), 151-156, 2010 | 62 | 2010 |
Modifying driver behaviour with passenger feedback KA Hutton, CG Sibley, DN Harper, M Hunt Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 4 (4), 257-269, 2001 | 51 | 2001 |
(±) 3, 4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine, d-Amphetamine, and Cocaine Impair Delayed Matching-to-Sample Performance by an Increase in Susceptibility to Proactive Interference. DN Harper, R Wisnewski, M Hunt, S Schenk Behavioral neuroscience 119 (2), 455, 2005 | 49 | 2005 |
Relationships among academic procrastination, psychological flexibility, and delay discounting. KR Sutcliffe, B Sedley, MJ Hunt, AC Macaskill Behavior Analysis: Research and Practice 19 (4), 315, 2019 | 47 | 2019 |
Mind the gap: Training road users to use speed and distance when making gap-acceptance decisions M Hunt, DN Harper, C Lie Accident Analysis & Prevention 43 (6), 2015-2023, 2011 | 45 | 2011 |
Imagination inflation is a fact, not an artifact: A reply to Pezdek and Eddy M Garry, SJ Sharman, KA Wade, MJ Hunt, PJ Smith Memory & Cognition 29, 719-729, 2001 | 41 | 2001 |
Using source cues and familiarity cues to resist imagination inflation SJ Sharman, M Garry, M Hunt Acta Psychologica 120 (3), 227-242, 2005 | 35 | 2005 |
Improving schizophrenic in‐patients' Wisconsin card‐sorting performance H Nisbet, R Siegert, M Hunt, N Fairley British Journal of Clinical Psychology 35 (4), 631-633, 1996 | 34 | 1996 |
Attenuation of the disruptive effects of (+/-) 3, 4-methylene dioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) on delayed matching-to-sample performance in the rat. DN Harper, M Hunt, S Schenk Behavioral neuroscience 120 (1), 201, 2006 | 32 | 2006 |
The effects of binge MDMA on acquisition and reversal learning in a radial-arm maze task C Kay, DN Harper, M Hunt Neurobiology of learning and memory 95 (4), 473-483, 2011 | 31 | 2011 |
The “Negative” Credit Card Effect: Credit Cards as Spending-Limiting st imuli in new Zealand C Lie, M Hunt, HL Peters, B Veliu, D Harper The Psychological Record 60, 399-411, 2010 | 30 | 2010 |
The theory of planned behaviour applied to speeding, drink-driving and seat-belt wearing C Gordon, M Hunt Road Safety Research, Policing, Education Conference, 1998, Wellington, New …, 1998 | 28 | 1998 |
New Zealand and Singaporean attributions and achievement perceptions D Ng, J Mcclure, F Walkey, M Hunt Journal of cross-cultural psychology 26 (3), 276-297, 1995 | 27 | 1995 |
On the associations between delay discounting and temporal thinking AC Macaskill, MJ Hunt, TL Milfont Personality and Individual Differences 141, 166-172, 2019 | 23 | 2019 |
Human performance on a two-alternative rapid-acquisition choice task C Lie, DN Harper, M Hunt Behavioural processes 81 (2), 244-249, 2009 | 23 | 2009 |
rat's demand for group size EP Patterson-Kane, M Hunt, D Harper Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science 7 (4), 267-272, 2004 | 23 | 2004 |