Paolo Maggiolini
Paolo Maggiolini
Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan
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Democratisation against democracy: How EU foreign policy fails the Middle East
A Teti, P Abbott, V Talbot, P Maggiolini
Palgrave Macmillan, 2020
Arabi cristiani di Transgiordania. Spazi politici e cultura tribale (1841-1922)
P Maggiolini
FrancoAngeli, 2011
Christian Churches and Arab Christians in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan: Citizenship, Ecclesiastical Identity and Roles in the Jordanian Political Field
P Maggiolini
Archives de sciences sociales des religions 60 (171), 37-58, 2015
The centrality of the enemy in al-Baghdadi's caliphate
A Plebani, PMLC Maggiolini
Twitter and jihad: the communication strategy of ISIS, 27-48, 2015
Bringing together Eastern Catholics under a common civil head: the agreements between the Syriac and Chaldean patriarchs and the civil head of the Armenian Catholic Church in …
P Maggiolini
Journal of Eastern Christian Studies 64 (3-4), 253-285, 2012
Images, Views, and Landscapes of the Holy Land: Catholic and Protestant Travels to Ottoman Palestine during the 19th Century
P Maggiolini
Quest: Issues in Contemporary Jewish History 6, 19-47, 2013
Iraq’s Foreign Policy Directions and Regional Developments. Where does Iraqi Foreign Policy Start
P Maggiolini
Italian Institute for International Political Studies/2013). https://www …, 2013
The Influence of Latin-Melkite Relations in the Land of Transjordan From the Rebirth of the Latin Patriarchate to the Foundation of the Archdiocese of Petra and Philadelphia …
PMLC Maggiolini
Living Stones Yearbook, The Living Stones of the Holy Land Trust, 165-199, 2012
Christians navigating through Middle East turbulences: The case of the Copts in Egypt
A Melcangi, P Maggiolini
Migrants and religion: Paths, issues, and lenses, 175-204, 2020
The origin and development of the idea of “minority” in the MENA region: A multilevel analysis
P Maggiolini
Politics of Recognition and Denial. Minorities in the Mena Region, Euromesco …, 2018
Dal jihad al jihadismo: militanza e lotta armata tra XX e XXI secolo
PMLC Maggiolini
Jihad e Terrorismo. Da al-Qa ‘ida all’ISIS: storia di un nemico che cambia, 3-44, 2016
Changes and developments of the Latin Patriarchate and the Melkite Catholic Church in the Post-great war lands of Palestine and Transjordan
P Maggiolini
Social sciences and missions 32 (3-4), 239-280, 2019
Understanding Life in the Ottoman–Montenegrin Borderlands of Northern Albania during the Tanzimat Era: Catholic Mirdite Tribes, Missionaries and Ottoman Officials
P Maggiolini
Middle Eastern Studies 50 (2), 208-232, 2014
Transjordan during the nineteenth century: reconsidering the relation between Arab tribes and Christian religious communities
PMLC Maggiolini
Digest of Middle East Studies 20 (1), 65-83, 2011
MENA Populations' Perceptions of Key Challenges, International Context and Role of the European Union
A Teti, P Maggiolini, V Talbot, P Abbott
Teti, A., Maggiolini, P., Talbot, V. and Abbot, P.(2017). MENA Populations …, 2017
Religion and Nationalism: Palestinian Christians and Religious Leadership in the Midst of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
P Maggiolini
The Struggle to Define A Nation: Rethinking Nationalism in the Contemporary …, 2016
La galassia fondamentalista: Tra jihad armato e partecipazione politica
A Plebani, M Diez, P Monti, P Maggiolini, I Peta, C Roggero, E Dacrema, ...
Marsilio Editori, 2015
The Archdiocese of Petra and Philadelphia and the Hashemite Emirate of Transjordan. Modern history and ecclesial identity
P Maggiolini
Journal of Eastern Christian Studies 65 (3-4), 201-229, 2013
Minorities and State-Building in the Middle East
P Maggiolini, I Ouahes
Springer International Publishing, 2021
La centralità del nemico nel Califfato di al-Baghdadi
P Maggiolini, A Plebani
Il marketing del terrore. Twitter e jihad: la comunicazione dell’Isis, 55-69, 2016
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Articles 1–20