Ấn phẩm hàng đầu
Chỉ số h5 là chỉ số h cho những bài viết xuất bản trong vòng 5 năm qua. Nó là số h lớn nhất sao cho h bài viết xuất bản từ 2019-2023 có ít nhất h trích dẫn đối với mỗi bài viết.ẩn
Trung bình h5 là số trích dẫn trung bình đối với các bài viết tạo thành chỉ số h.ẩn
Ấn bảnchỉ số h5trung bình h5
2.IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition440689
3.The New England Journal of Medicine434897
5.Nature Communications375492
6.The Lancet368678
7.Neural Information Processing Systems337614
8.Advanced Materials327420
10.International Conference on Learning Representations304584
12.Science of The Total Environment297436
13.IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision291484
14.Angewandte Chemie International Edition281361
15.Nature Medicine274474
16.Journal of Cleaner Production272359
17.International Conference on Machine Learning268424
18.Chemical Reviews267461
19.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences267405
20.IEEE Access266364
21.Chemical Society Reviews254398
22.International Journal of Molecular Sciences244346
23.Advanced Functional Materials244318
24.Advanced Energy Materials234306
25.Journal of the American Chemical Society234306
26.Nucleic Acids Research233606
27.Chemical engineering journal232287
28.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health229328
29.PLOS ONE225322
31.Science Advances223318
33.ACS Nano221299
34.Scientific Reports221291
35.AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence220341
36.Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)215362
37.Frontiers in Immunology213306
38.Journal of Clinical Oncology212308
39.Energy & Environmental Science211307
40.Physical Review Letters210282
41.Applied Catalysis B: Environmental210271
43.Journal of Business Research209330
45.Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews207283
46.European Conference on Computer Vision206306
47.The Lancet Oncology202347
48.Journal of Hazardous Materials197258
49.IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence196348
50.Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report193326
51.Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)193310
52.Nature Biotechnology191323
53.Journal of the American College of Cardiology191293
55.Nature Materials190312
56.Applied Energy189258
57.Nano Energy187247
58.Nature Genetics186294
60.Technological Forecasting and Social Change186267
61.IEEE Internet of Things Journal186261
62.Frontiers in Psychology185271
64.Journal of Materials Chemistry A184228
65.Environmental Science & Technology178245
67.The Lancet Infectious Diseases177334
68.JAMA Network Open177267
69.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces177225
70.Clinical Infectious Diseases176319
71.Nature Energy174357
73.ACS Catalysis172242
74.Advanced Science172233
75.Nature Nanotechnology171294
76.Annals of Oncology171278
78.Journal of Environmental Management171233
79.Molecular Cancer170278
80.European Heart Journal169299
81.Physical Review D169216
82.Nature Methods167308
83.Environmental Pollution167241
84.The Astrophysical Journal167239
85.IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics167224
86.ACS Energy Letters167220
88.International Journal of Information Management165298
90.Expert Systems with Applications165228
91.Water Research165227
92.Applied Sciences165216
95.Environmental Science and Pollution Research164220
96.Renewable Energy164212
97.Bioresource Technology162217
98.Nature Reviews Immunology161320
99.Energy Storage Materials161225
100.Coordination Chemistry Reviews161222
Ngày và số lượng trích dẫn đều do một chương trình máy tính ước tính và tự động xác định.